Nonetheless I am really grateful to everyone's participation, including those in my year who treated it well (and adapted to a few of my lapses), two thyroid clinicians (Paul Dent and Dominic Pritchard), and Josephine Saramunda (a 3rd year), who all volunteered at very short notice to fill in when some of the patient-actors and examiners who could not make it.
Several points for me:
- I need a little more assistance next time, there were a few snags on the day which I didn't quite adapt to so well.
- The sheets need more proof-reading, as there were a few inconsistencies that became apparent.
- The actors felt they needed a little more time to prepare.
- A few people suggested a little more feed-back time, as it was an informal event.
- Some of the stations, particularly in neurology were a little too specific and maybe beyond 4th year level.
Nonetheless, of the three rounds I did, the last one ran pretty smoothly, and in the feedback the participants graded it positively 4.5 out of 5, so with a little more organisation the next one (eeep) should be even better.
The scenarios were:
Round 1 | |
Upper limb exam | Syringomyelia |
Acute neurology hx | Delerium tremens |
Msk hx + exam | Hand arthritis |
Round 2 |
Cranial nerve exam | Parietal stroke |
GUM history | Sexual history |
Endocrine hx + viva | Medication review |
Round 3 |
Thyroid exam | Thyroid exam |
Acute neurology | Seizure + DVLA |
Hearing hx + exam | Drug induce Hearing loss |