Friday, 10 May 2013


Wow...the veins are extensive. I have been going through them this evening with my father. He discusses what I have just studied to fin out what I actually learned - its a great way to find out what I only skimmed over.

There are a lot. Every branch, and every divide has a name. Interestingly, there only seems to be names for the bits of pipeline, rather than the connections. I.e. the aorta (which takes blood from the heart) turns into an easily identifiable bit called the aortic arch, from which come three other bits of pipeline - the brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery. Link here for a delightful diagram courtesy of wikipedia.  Yet there is no "arch-carotid junction" or similar. I suppose that in the old days of surgery, those who wielded the sharp knives were more concerned with saying "I say old chap, lets cut into your brachicephalic artery" rather than in directing themselves around the corners by saying "head left at the jugular roundabout".

It is the difference, I suppose, between being a driver and being a cartographer.

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